Pico is NOT working


As some very disturbing news, my pico editor isn't working. When I mean, not working... it doesn't do anything. Below is some info:

Venus:~ joe$ printenv PATH <-- PATH seems to be fine
Venus:~ joe$ pico <-- attempting to open blank document, no luck
Venus:~ joe$ pico www <-- trying to create a www file...
Venus:~ joe$ <-- result after pressing enter

Also, I tried to manually load pico, by typing: "/usr/bin/pico www"

Nothing still happens :(

Please comment if you have any suggestions! Thank you
Did it stop working or have You just installed it and it doesn't work? You have to write these things first! Perhaps You don't have Developer Tools installed... Which OS X are you runnning? What version of Pico do you have? Who knows? Well, You do.

So what I'd suggest: as Pico editor comes together with Pine email client, simply try http://downwardspiral.net/macosx/pine.php - it's a step-by-step howto for pine installation. What You might be interested in are the first three steps> have the Developer Tools installed, get the latest Pine/Pico/Pilot package from UWash... and follow the instructions.

Why this way? Older Pine packages didn't work on 10.3.X for example. The latest does. I had problems running Pine/Pico, but I tried this and - it works!
I think pico is part of the base install, well maybe the BSD package. You certainly don't need to compile it. Can you remember doing anything associated with it going south?
It is part of the base install, or maybe the developer install. I have it anyway and I know I did not explicitly install it. What I find odd is that you are not getting an error message. I would have expected either a "command not found" or "file not executable" error.

Did you check the logs to see if anything came up? If you have another mac or a friend who has one you could just try replacing pico.

In linux pico is usually statically compiled for ease of use on barebones syatems. Mac OS X does not have ldd though so I can't confirm that this is the case for OS X. (I saw the command mentioned on these forums recently... the thread on porting an app from a different platform I think.)
It's part of the BSD subsystem install. Which is installed by default.

Since you aren't being told that the file doesn't exist, I'd suggest trying to fix the disk permissions and see if that fixes pico.

Mac OS X doesn't have ldd, but you can use otool for similar functionality. Looks like pico is linked against /usr/lib/libncurses.5.dylib and /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib - which is a pretty small list.
Ah, otool, thanks Darkshadow. I knew there was a command with similar functionality just could not remember what it was.