PilotMouse - Wireless Mouse Help


I was hoping someone could help me out. I bought a Kensington PilotMouse and I'm unhappy with it's performance. It seems to have a hard time when moving small distances sometimes and it seems like i click to highlight text it gets 95% of the text, not all. I really like the look and feel of this mouse but it's not performing well.

Does anyone have any tips or trick to try? It's optical and wireless and I'm running it with an iMac G5 on a wireless network. Currently I'm trying it without the Kensington software to see if that helps or not.
Hmmm... it could also depend on the surface you're using it on. Do you have a flat, matte, solid-color mouse pad to try it with? Or can you try it on a variety of different surfaces to see if the behavior changes with the surfaces?
ElDiabloConCaca I tried about every surface I could think of. Flat, pure black, with tiger stripes, on a black desk nothing changes.