

eWeek says that the next major release of OS X will be called "Pinot".

The definition of pinot is:

Any of several related white or red grapes chiefly grown on the West Coast and in France.

I'm guessing it's called Pinot beacuse it's being grown on the west coast.

So anyway. I started this thread to ask what you think could be added i this installment and if you think Pinot is going to be 10.3 or 10.5.

'Pineau' is a West coast wine. Not 'Pinot' !
Check for the wine side of OSX :D :D :D

PS: I'm French.
PPS: Les Anglais qui confondent du pinard avec les OS… On aura tout lu.
Okay… they made a variant word…
So stupid they did this. We French call hamburgers "hamburgers", not any strange variant ! :)
I suppose that's because "pineaud" is a ™.
Let me laugh a bit :).

Pinot is a recognized name by the French government (the INAO as well as dozens of other government bodies) as a family of grapes. The name is French, not some Anglicized version.
INAO names are European reformed-based. Which means the names come from the language everybody speaks in Europe. Still French ? AOCs have been forced to anglicize. But of course Google won't tell you this, it's an old 1995 reform.

There are a number of grape varietals in the pinot family including pinot noir (the prime red grape in Burgundy)
Yes, Bourgogne. And ?
pinot meunier (the third varietal in the Champagne region after chardonnay and pinot noir)
Yes, Champagne-Ardennes. And ?
pinot blanc (also in Alsace as well as northern Italy) and pinot gris (a.k.a. pinot grigio in Italy).
Yes, Alsace-Lorraine. And ?

The pineau that you link to certainly does not have the same pedigree as pinot noir.
LOL :)
Pineau is a way you make the wine done. Chardonnay is another (different in hygrometrical conditions).
Pinot and Pineau go the same way. In fact, you are dissociating one same bottle :). Can't you believe that's just two words for the same thing ?
And 'pedigree' stands for animals here. Not for beverage :).

Pinot noir is heavily planted in the coastal areas of the Western United States (what "West Coast" in this sense refers to since the article was written in America for a largely American audience). High-quality wines from pinot noir grapes are coming from Oregon, Washington as well as California.
Yes, I heard of this. By the way, this wine os NOT getting the AOC (INAO) on it. Just as Champagne must come from Champagne to be called Champagne, Pinot is localized. There's Japanese Pinot also.
But the Pineau bottles are French :).
Just to end: Pinot and Pineau are the same. Just that Pineau comes from the Froggies while Pinot comes from the West Coast and Japanese apprentices :D.

Hope no one got injured here —_;).
It's amazing how fast this thread went from a discusion about 10.3 to an argument over a wine synonym.:p
Originally posted by wdw_
It's amazing how fast this thread went from a discusion about 10.3 to an argument over a wine synonym.:p

I agree !!! LOL !!!

*EDIT* : oh…_some message disappeared 'round here… ;)
Originally posted by toast

And 'pedigree' stands for animals here. Not for beverage :).

ped·i·gree Pronunciation Key (pd-gr)

1. A line of ancestors; a lineage.
2. A list of ancestors; a family tree.
2. A chart of an individual's ancestors used in human genetics to analyze Mendelian inheritance of certain traits, especially of familial diseases.
3. A list of the ancestors of a purebred animal.

So it would work for wine too.
Originally posted by LordOphidian
So it would work for wine too.

Hum... in English, I believe it's a correct usage.
Not in French, though. Never heard this in French but for animals.
Considering all Jaguar has that is new and improved, I'd consider it 10.5, not 10.2, but I'd rather Apple leave the name OS X and just differentiate releases with codenames. As long as they never come up with iOS.
'Pinot' will probably be 10.2.1 and not a big upgrade at all. 'Lion' will be 10.5.
i've said it before, apple doesn't subscribe to the old numbering system.

Mac OS X 10.0 = version 0
Mac OS X 10.0.x = point releases

Mac OS X 10.1 = version 1 (major release and free to owners of version 0)
Mac OS X 10.1.x = point releases

Mac OS X 10.2 = version 2 (major release this year)
Mac OS X 10.2.x = point releases (pinot?)

Mac OS X 10.3 = version 3 (major release in the future)

As you can see, Apple has abandoned the .5 'major' release schedule. The only thing they did wrong was to number the OS 10.x as it causes confusion
I agree with Hobeaux!

If they jump ahead too quick (i.e. 10.2 to 10.5) then we get to the problematic XI that bit quicker.

OS eleven just doesn't sound (or look) as good as the big fat X and 'ten'.

I reckon it will be 0.1 upgrades all the way for ages. (well at most ten of them anyway!).
They should rename Quartz Beer, callt he new icons Sandwiches...and call the next release of os X Bar or we sill have Aqua Beer Sandwiches and of course Apples :)
What about the Grappa Localizer for italians???