pioneer 108 help

west ozz

i am running 10.8.2 + pioneer 108 +toast ti 6 but it only seems to support 4x dvd r burning

anyone know a program that supports 8x or 16x ? and dual layer?

or deos toats ti 6 and Iam just looking in the wrong places

Toast 6 should support full 8x and dual-layer burning for the drive. Are you using 8x rated media, or are you using media rated slower? Toast will check the media when you insert it, so if you're using 4x media, Toast may only allow you to burn the disc at 4x.

What is the exact brand and speed rating of the DVD-R discs you're using?
its only single layer media (still waiting for dual to come out here) so that may explain why its not showing dual as an option

they are infosmart premium 4.7gb dvd -R 8x
You're running 10.8.2???
The 108 isn't supported under any OS X system yet, without using PatchBurn.
While OS X does not natively support the Pioneer 108, that doesn't mean it's incompatible or unusable. You just have to use Toast or some 3rd party burning software with the drive.

The Pioneer 108 under OS X 10.2.8 with Toast should work just fine. You won't be able to use the drive with iTunes, iPhoto, iDVD, or any other Apple-specific application, but the drive should work fine otherwise.

I have a Pioneer 108 in a B&W G3 running 10.2.6 and have not used PatchBurn, and Toast recognizes the drive and burns to it just fine. I can't use the drive with Disk Utility or any of the "iApps," but other than that, it works perfectly.