pixelboy.com website and domain for sale...

My Arrows Aim

Any graphics professional interested in a pretty nice domain for their portfolio site?

pixelboy.com is for sale on ebay right now....

A couple people have asked about helping with the website, so here is my offer if you win the auction:

If you want me to design the website (in Flash if you want) then I will and provide my own hosting plus @pixelboy.com email for you for 1 year. Quite a deal.
no one has bid on the 250 price tag you've got...

I'd love it, but I cant afford 250...

Maybe we can talk, on some kind of trade off, or cheeper price for a student like me lol!
If the auction ends without any bids, then I am definately open to lowering my price. Although I have received a couple of emails about that already, so you'd probably be competing with a few others.... What kind of trade-off?
I'd love the domain....

Im looking to make a portfolio site for myself... it would be great...

I don't have any money so.... looks like thats sort of out of the question.