.pkg Problem (Please Read)


Get It, BIG MAC! ::ha::
Is there anyone out there that can help me. When I try to open .pkg files I get an error message 1000. I've noticed I don't see the normal .pkg icon. what I see instead is the standard folder icon in its place. any
suggestions? I have seen this message posted by "dtmdoc" and he said that he has solved the problem. I tried to e-mail him and he said that he
forgot to fix it (ahh). So if anyone knows than could you please tell me how to
fix the .pkg problem?!

PS: Iv'e posted tins messege three times and know one has even given me there input, Im very pissed off. :mad:
Originally posted by BIGDOGquake3
PS: Iv'e posted tins messege three times and know one has even given me there input, Im very pissed off. :mad:

Maybe no one has given their input because they don't know the answer. Sorry, bro but I've never run into that problem before and therefor can't offer a fix.

Good luck.
what software is the .pkg related to? what have you done so far to try to fix problem, are you having other problems with software? what type of Mac are you using, which version of OSX, have you tried any disk repair utilities, etc. Love to respond, just give some more info.
Its not just a program, all .pkg files are like that and Im not quite sure how to start fixing the problem. Whare do you think I should start?

Mac OS 10.2
iBook (500)