Planning to upgrade X


I currently have OS X v10.1.5 (Puma) and I've been debating myself over whether I should upgrade to Jaguar now, since it's available, or wait until Panther is unveiled at WWDC this year. It's only a little over a month away, but I'm not sure when Panther will hit stores.

Or would my system not be able to support Panther? I have an iBook 466SE with 320MB of RAM and an ATI Rage M3 (8MB) video card.
the current story is that panther is much faster across the board. they said its real snappy on even a 266mhz machine. but is $130 really worth it if your just gonna spend another 130 for panther in a few months? i would wait if i were you...
Wait until September or so for Panther to be released.

I don't know how that system will run, but Jaguar runs well on my iMac with the same VRAM. It's rather slow (with only 128 MB RAM) and it doesn't have all the goodies of Quartz Extreme, but it's fully functional and stable. You should be able to run either without any stability issues, just performance issues.
I'd say it depends on what you want from the upgrade? Are you likely to use the new features and tools, and if so, would you be willing to shell out the retail price for an upgrade, and would you look at other options?

If you aren't likely to use the new features, or new software then you might as well not bother. I mean, if you can do all the things you want to do and connect to all the things you want to connect to, then an upgrade is just a waste of two hours of your life. ;-)

I can tell you, though, that 10.2 runs nicely on an iBook G3 500 with an 8mb video card and 384mb of RAM. Very nicely.