Playlist: Downloads...Um, how?

Okay, this has nothing to do with Mac OS X at all. Just a website navigation question that I'm sure, when you immediately tell me the answer, will make me go, "D'oh!"

So here's the question: When navigating to this URL... in the world do I actually import the advertised tune(s) into my iTunes Library??

The solutions I've tried so far:
1) Clicking the track link only opens up a QuickTime plug-in. Nice for previewing only.
2) Clicking the artist's name opens up a link to info on the artist. Nice for background info, but...
3) Going to iTunes, and selecting Advanced/Open Stream only opens up the stream to the URL, which only works as long as a) I'm connected to the Internet and (I assume) b) the URL is still valid.

Okay, so what is the stupidly obvious (D'oh!) solution? :confused:
Control+Click (or right click) and select "Download linked file ass ...". When the file has downloaded, open iTunes and then drag 'n' drop.
Thanks, Timmargh and Fryke, for your replies.

Here's what I've found:

Fryke, apparently you have a different version of Safari than I do. Perhaps your version's "Open with iTunes" actually downoads and adds to the Library the selected file. My version (1.0.3 running on OS 10.2.8) only opens a link to the streaming audio file. Not acceptable, or at least not what I want (i.e., offline access, and full 'ownership' of the complete audio file).

However, I have found that Netscape's and Firefox' contextual menu DOES allow me to download the selected file. (Firefox' name for the command is, confusingly, "Download Link As", even though it's the file itself that is downloaded, not simply the link.)

To go off on a tangent a bit: This is a clear area in which Firefox has a useful feature (for me) that Safari lacks. I still prefer Safari, btw, because it seems to not tax my system near as much as Firefox. Consulting Process Viewer, Firefox regularly hogs up 30-50% of my CPU horsepower. And I though M$ Word was a hog... Safari rarely does that. That's probably due to some OSX optimization wizadry from Apple. Whatever. It's better for my system.

(Hm, checking my wife's Panther labtop, running Safari 1.2.4, there is indeed a "Download Linked FILE As" contextual menu option. I know that Safari 1.2.4 is unavailable to a Jaguar system via Software Update, but will it run on my Jag system anyway?)