Playlistism? Is this really happing?


In Geostationary Orbit
Playlistism? Is this really happing?

It's been some time since I've been in college (now I know I'm old) and I'm not up on the latest "fad". So, I just hope something like this won't separate people.
That's funny -- I wish you could still connect to playlists over the internet. Fix the hole apple!
But I can imagine that happening now, kids are judgmental people.
Actually, as I recall Apple regarded it as a 'hole' when you COULD share iTunes via internet, and they intentionally 'plugged' it...
No, there was a hole allowing another piece of software to download mp3's through the *service* iTunes provided to share playlists over the WAN. So apple cut out the service and replaced it with just the ability to share tunes on local nodes of LAN.
It's still good - I can listen to itunes on my dad's pc - but it isn't quite as good, because I can't listen to them from computers at school. (well I do have an iPod... so I am ok.)
Well... I showed the article to some Italian friends. So, if you want to know new words in other languages, it's called "playlistismo" ...

I dunno, it kind of figures in this digital age. And if the assumptions people make are correct, what's the difference?

People might think of me as a junkie from my playlist, but it's not exactly true. I just like hard rock. But it's not like I care.
Oh well, I know I'll never fall to this. I put all CDs I get my hads on into my music collection, and never delete anything...I've got all kinds of music, even music I can't stand...and that's how I like it...
Same here...minus the music I can't stand. I'm not gonna waste HD space to keep those around. :p

I can believe this. Is it all that much different than judging someone by what they wear?