PLEASE! A moment of silence for Mac OS 9!

I loved that system like a brother. I felt I was breaking up with my life love when I switched to X.

;) You couldn't pay me to go back.

See you in hell OS 9!!!! No more crashes every day... lalalalalla. Go to heck you P.O.S... lalalalalla. I should not say that... i am in OS 9 right now.
... and did it instantly crash after you posted this? :)

Goodbye and good riddance, OS 9. Ah, I'm so glad. It took me so long until I finally was able to reformat that partition. Its name was 'Sonata', the code name of Mac OS 9.

Isn't it nice to see something die and know I won't miss a thing about it and have happy memories of the time with it at the same time?

Apropos comparing OS 9 to 'the love of your life'...

Well, Mac OS X is the love of my life in that picture, and Mac OS 9 once was. She was good, but she was a person who screamed too much. She also cheated many times and had nervous breakdowns every day. The sex was okay, but I already had my next girlfriend in mind while at it. (Really, I've been using Mac OS X DP4 and Public Beta a long time while still working in OS 9...)
Sure, I had the nicest UI, and It was efficient, but once that OS X disc was in my hand, I didn't look back.

OS 9: Perhaps you should consider this an honorable discharge?;)
Fare well OS 9, I loved you untill I moved on. I still love you, I just don't brag of you or defend you in any way...
I agree. I'm not looking back at OS 9 in the rear-view mirror. It's long since faded, although it was great while it lasted.

If you want to see the eulogy that Steve Jobs made on the WWDC keynote stage (complete with a cathedral backdrop, and fog floating on the ground), go to and look at the video in the middle of the page.

WARNING: Requires Mac OS 9 or the Classic Environment to view since there is no Windows Media plugin for OS X.

It was really funny, though.

fryke: By the way, Steve Jobs officially referred to OS 9 as a "he" in the eulogy...... <-- (me trailing off leaving the implications of my sentence unresolved)
No plugin? How come I've just watched this pretty funny video *on* the page in Internet Explorer? Can't be that I have a Real Media plugin, eh? Well, WM files work as promised on web pages, but maybe not on browsers other than IE. But back to topic.

It's a great performance that Steve gave. Wish I were there (also because of the Jaguar CDs). But now I *really* have to get some sleep. It was a day full of nice news with one bad: I was really hoping to be able to install the final release of Jaguar shortly after MWNY, but 'late summer' definitely means September (in stock early October?). Well, I was using Puma as my primary operating system at 5G56, so I guess I'll take Jaguar for a ride early on.

Btw.: Steve talked about Mac OS 9 as a good old male friend, not as 'the love of his life'. Guess that would have been NeXT-Step. And while that one is dead since OpenStep, I guess he's found a better girlfriend ever since Mac OS X, and with better looks even! I just can't understand how anyone could ever fall in love with Windows XP. Seems a bit pedophile to me...
With a girlfriend with features like the "suck" effect and lickable buttons, can you eraly blame him for choosing Mac OS X as his soulmate?:p
Originally posted by starfleetX
Also, what's this then?
You are absolutely right... except that SimX probably uses OmniWeb or Chimera or Mozilla... And the plugin only works in MSIE (typical Microsoft). :rolleyes: Another possibility could be that SimX never downloaded the WiMP for Mac OS X... But I doubt it considering what he wrote... ;)
Originally posted by starfleetX

This sure looks like it's operating as a plugin to me

Excuse me if the Windows Media Player installer didn't install the plugin. Do you have to get so snooty about it? I didn't realize a plugin was made to work natively in OS X, so you don't have to act like that to get your point across.
So am I some kind of necrophiliac? I regularly screw up my iMac using OS 8.6...

Hmm. Maybe I should investigate this "OS 9" -- I hear good things about it...
Finally. OS 9 has barely changed since the introduction of the Mac in 1984. Look at a screenshot of the original system OS and then OS 9. They're soo identical except for the platinum theme. It's quite sad. OS X has been the update we've been waiting for for a long time. Apple finally creates their first modern OS that can easily blow out the competitors.
Originally posted by simX

Excuse me if the Windows Media Player installer didn't install the plugin. Do you have to get so snooty about it? I didn't realize a plugin was made to work natively in OS X, so you don't have to act like that to get your point across.

That's why you shouldn't dis simX. :D

He'll flame you six ways before you hit the ground... if you deserve it.

-the valrus
Anyone for a little grave dance?

Hrum, the least he could have done would have been to put a clerical collar on his turtleneck
Yes, I loved OS 9 while it lasted.. it was not the most reliable OS though. And I am an almost total OS X user as of now.. I have upgraded to Photoshop 7, have Fire and Office X...

but I sadly need a new 3D program. :( The one I'm using now (Ray Dream Studio 5.5) was discontinued, and the company that bought it (Eovia) hasn't made any sort of OS X replacement. I wish they would get with the times...

But other then these minor setbacks, I am free of OS 9.
