HomunQlus said:
Amateur rubbish huh? Well, Linux is continuously developed by people who also were involved in creating the Internet... Linux is quite capable of competing with OS X and Windows. Read more about it, see screenshots... If you after that still think it's amateur rubbish, you haven't understood the meaning of Open Source.
And yes, AMD is an X86 processor. I don't care about that. I don't like Intel. I do like X86. That's a difference.
First, everyone COOL DOWN!!
"bitching and moaning" is not a comment worthy of these boards.
We are fighting over IFs and MAYBEs!! YES, Apple are moving to a new CPU, we do NOT know the implications yet. YES, it's emotionally testing for some of us, but keep it in perspective.
HomunQlus, I'm happy to support you because you have a genuine concern and worry, as do I. If people took their heads out their a**es and actually listened rather than fling excretia we'd all be happier.
BTW guys, Open Source software is NOT amateur rubbish, I take enourmous offence at that, I have been a 100% Linux user since 94 and the contribution of 'open source' has been enourmous to computer development and a comment like this is embarrasing to read and betrays a degree of ignorance.
A few of you need to come down off that gleeming mountain and realise people settle on the variety (while we still have them) of computers and platforms because of complex reasons, not always logical or rational or understandable to others. I do not like Microsoft, I do not like Intel too much either, I don't like the way they operate, I don't like the way computers have developed in the last 10 years under the shadow of Win-Tel dominance. A lot of people do not like them either. Some like myself, built our own machines at a fraction of the cost of "PC" makers, using AMD processors and Linux as they suited our tastes, views or philosophies - it's not black and white. MANY bought Macs. Apple sold it's DIFFERENCE as part of the whole experience we have bought into. For many, the change to Intel is a betrayal of principles or beliefs. For me personally, I am scared Apple are just going to make Mac branded PCs, the blind here seem to be willing it to happen. Apple have not helped by saying that Windows COULD run on it, if natively, then the Intel-Macs WILL BE PCs!
For people who love UNIX and despise Intel (or simply do not want to use their processors) this move makes Apple another PC maker, the only remaining selling point becomes the OS. Sorry to rock your world, but if Apple becomes a PC maker and Windows runs on it albeit with a bit of effort, THEN it is inevitable that OSX will be running on Dells etc. it may not be easy, it may require software but it WILL happen, why even bother with another Mac? For it's cult status? What status? It will be just a PC!!
If it's going to cost me £1,200 for a Mac "PC" OR under £300 to put my own PC together with an AMD chip and Linux, perhaps with a wee PearPC-type OPEN SOURCE hack to install OSX in a VM or partition, I WILL do it. So will MANY others, that will only speed up Apple's decline.
So I can understand the concerns, they ARE valid, not whining you blind fools, this is a major thing! Especially if you've invested energy, time and HARD EARNED MONEY in it.
HomunQlus, I say enjoy your current machine(s) and be patient until we have more concrete information as to whether the new Macs will still be unique machines or just PCs with an Apple badge on it, in which case, we won't be the only ones who leave Apple's platform. Doesn't the XBox run a PC CPU? Doesn't make it a PC, similarly a 68000 in an Amiga didn't make it a Mac ;-)