I'm not sure where the original poster of this thread saw the report that Apple may be planning to phase out the 12" iBook, but check out the latest issue of MOSR (
"A new iBook, which I have no idea of the release date (most likely at introduction of PowerBook but perhaps after to stimulate more sales for both models) will have 14-inch displays across the line, and in all likelyhood use the maturing Sahara G3 chips at around 700-800MHz with a bus still at 100MHz. This is just a wild guess, but I think that they will sport new graphics chips, but I have no real info on this."
Of course, since it's a rumor site, take it with a huge grain of salt, but this is worrisome. I think Apple would make a huge mistake by moving the iBook to the 14" display. Instead, they should work on making the 12" model even better in terms of weight and thickness.
This is especially true since the 14" iBook looks like a hack design - just look at all the wasted space around the keyboard! The fact that the keyboard of the 14" iBook is the same one as the 12" model, when there is so much room to accomodate more keys and a richer layout is just one reason why the 14" model is so uncompelling in terms of design.
Keep the iBook at the 12" form factor, please! But drop the weight to 3.9 lbs instead of the current 4.9 lbs, make it 1" thick, and move to the G4 as the processor. Finally, introduce a low-end model for $999 and Apple will be eating the sales of the PC companies alive. Seriously, with a 12" screen, Apple has a good chance of offering a sub-$1000 model, but it will be unlikely if they standardize on a 14" display.
Case in point - at the current time, I am extremely tempted to buy a 12" iBook because of its small form factor and price. There is NO WAY I would ever buy the 14" model because the design is simply uncompelling. I already mentioned before that a PC-using friend went Mac recently, and for her, the 14" model was never a consideration.
"Too big, unwieldy, and too heavy" she said, while she thought the 12" model was "just right." Let's not forget that
the 14" inch iBook weighs 5.99 lbs! Holding the 14" model makes me think like I'm lugging around a Dell Inspiron (ugh)! In fact, I wouldn't buy a 14" iBook even if were the same price as the 12" model.
So maybe Apple might get more TiBook sales by going 14" across the iBook line because the similar features would cause people to buy up, but it would only do so at the cost of cratering existing iBook sales. Apple needs robust sales of both lines simultaneously to finally grow market share, and moving the iBook to 14" would just result in internal cannibalization. Don't make this mistake Apple, please!
Apple has done postively great under Steve Jobs the last 5 years, but one thing it hasn't really been able to do is run full steam in all product quadrants at once. One quarter, iMac sales are gangbusters, but PowerMac sales decline. Then PowerMac sales are strong, but iBook sales drop dramatically. Or iBook sales carry the company, but TiBook and the CRT iMac drag revenues down. It's the most frustrating thing as an Apple stockholder!
For 2002 and onward, I would like to see Apple have strong sales for ALL their products, iPod included. Let's hope Apple realizes the existing 14" iBook won't help sales, especially if it becomes the standard model.