PLEASE HELP firmware update


i have a slot loading imac indigo 450mghz it has os 9 and os x 10.2.8 running on it i want to wipe it an just install os x 10.3 as i have another imac 400mgz which is running fine on it with no os 9 on it.
i have searched to try an resolve this problem but to no avail.
i run the os x10.3 disc when it comes to installing it says firmware up date an i dont know what to do an its getting on my nerves.
can any body please help me.
Thanks parry
Go here to install the firmware update for your iMac:

REmember that even though both are G3 iMacs, they are different revisions of the G3 iMac, hence the need for the firmware update on the one that needs it. Considering that the older Mac is running it fine, it's possible that maybe the firmware was already applied to it before you purchased it (unless you've been the sole owner of this iMac since it was purchased).

The only problem I see now is that since the firmware requires you to install it from OS 9 or below, you don't have it installed anymore. In order to do the firmware update, you need to be running a version of the Mac OS earlier than OS X. Once you've applied the update, then you should be able to install OS X without any problem.
when i boot in to os9 it loads up fine but when i try to go on to the inter net explorer wont load up as it wont on osx 10 i cant get the down load on os 9.
I downloaded it when i was in osx an clicked install followed the in structions it came up that i had 9.1 installed if i wanted 9.2 i had to insert disc.
i carried on with the installation of the update it loads an then says i have to be in os 9 to intall it.
and now im in a catch 22 because i cant get on the net thru os 9. i tried puttin the down load on a usb stick. an thst didnt work. It is now drivin me nuts
Have you configured the TCP/IP settings in the TCP/IP control panel in OS 9 to the same settings you have in OS X? You can also set it for DHCP if you need to in OS 9. Head to the Apple menu-->Control Panels-->TCP/IP.

You might also have to include the DNS nameservers if they aren't being pushed by the DHCP server.
i just added you to msn if thats ok be easier askin any problems

Not a problem, but I won't be able to get on until later tonight (I'm in the US, EDT time). If you see me, IM me and let me know it's you from the forum.