Please Help!!! Need to delete root owned files & users.


I've recently created a user account but now I want to delete it.

I've been to the control panel and deleted the user but
when I browse the Users folder the user account and all it's folders with all the documents are still there :(

The only thing thats changed is that the finder has renamed the User by adding "Deleted" after the original name :(

When I try to move the folders to the trash the finder tells me "The operation could not be completed because this item is owned by root."

Theres like over 4Gb of wasted HD space there... does anyone know how i can delete it and recover the HD space?

Also, How do I get a list of Termainal Commands so I can explore how to use them with the manual.

Thanks in advance.
Open up the program.


"sudo rm -r " with a trailing space after the -r and without the quotes

drag the folder you want to delete into the terminal window.

hit enter

put in your administrator password

hit enter

files be gone!:D

WARNING: You won't be prompted to confirm the deletion of any files so make sure you really want to delete all the files in the folder.
Yeah, what devonferns said.

Or boot into OS 9 and delete the folder that way.

Or (less complete method) actually go into the deleted user's folder and remove the contents. That is assuming that when you deleted the user you had all file ownership re-assigned to your account. The Users folder is the one with root ownership, everything in the deleted user's folders should be yours.

Or get a biig magnet, hold it near your computer... No, wait, don't do that. :D

For a listing of commands, I usually type ls -l /usr/bin | less to see what is normally available to general users. Ask me if you want the above command explained more -- I'm too lazy to write it out right now...

For superusers (admins, root) change the path to /usr/sbin and see what's in there.

Danger, Will Robinson! A lot of these commands can do nasty things if you don't know what you are doing, especially rm. There's a thread that talks about issuing the command mv (some file) /* which will make a mess of your system. It is always safe to issue a man some_unknown_command, though.
Originally posted by devonferns
Open up the program.


"sudo rm -r " with a trailing space after the -r and without the quotes

drag the folder you want to delete into the terminal window.

hit enter

put in your administrator password

hit enter

files be gone!:D

WARNING: You won't be prompted to confirm the deletion of any files so make sure you really want to delete all the files in the folder.

Er... tried it.. don't work.

saids "/Users/g4access Deleted: Permission denied."
From testuser in this thread:
* Open the Terminal

* If the files are locked you will need to unlock them first. Type the following "sudo chflags -R nouchg ", then drag the file or folder onto the Terminal window to complete the path:
sudo chflags -R nouchg /Applications

note: make sure to type the space after the command, and before you drag the file onto the window.

* To erase the file/folder do something similar. Type "sudo rm -R " then drag the file or folder onto the Terminal window:
sudo rm -R /Applications

Be careful with deleting a folder. This will delete all files and sub-folders within it!

Hope this helps...
erm... then you say 'locked' is this the same as'been own by root?'

cause when i tried your last suggestion i was denied access...

[small]wheres me hammer gone..... i'll teach 'em who's boss... :D[/small]

Download Pseudo from Version Tracker, this allows you to open any file by root. Drag the applicatin finder to Pseudo type yu administrator password and kapoosh! your in the finder as root. Locate the files and delete them.

Then log out and log back in.

Hope this helps