Please HELP! Powerbook G3 Dead! Powerbook Expert in the house?


Any Powerbook experts in the house?

Ok, you can go ahead and call me idiot or stupid. But anyway, I've gotten in over my head. I take desktops apart and put them back together, so I think I can do the same with my Powerbook G3 (Bronze).

I ordered a 256mb ram chip off of ebay for it. I already have a 128 along with the 64 that is built in. So I figured I'd go ahead and swap the 128 and 64 meg chips putting the 128 in the lower slot and the 64 in the upper slot. (I read somewhere that you couldn't put more than 128 in the lower slot and I just wanted to make sure it worked).

The problem was getting to the lower slot which is on the bottom of the daughter card. i had to pull out the heat sync and the daughter card. I actually took the heat syn off. Realizing what I did, I went to Compusa and bought some thermal grease. I cleaned the processor and heat sync where they touched and reapplied the thermal grease. After switching the ram I replaced the daughter card and put the heat sync back on. After putting everything else in place I closer her up and hit the "power" button.

The hard drive spun up but the computer did not come on. The little green light didn't even come on.


Can anyone help me? Is my poor powerbook ruined??????

Please Help! The only thing I can think of is that the daughter card isn't making a full connection with the motherboard. Or maybe I missed something or screwed something up!
Actually your PB is allRight!

What you need to do is press really hard the processor into the slot until you hear a click.

It happened to me too, and then I realized that the processor card has two small hooks at the connectors (where all those pins are) and they were not hooking right, so I pushed the damm thing even more and VOILA I heard the click.
I booted the PB with out the heat sink, and there was the face. So there, you would think these machines are very flimsy but they are not, just make sure the pins are all aligned.

good luck
What about the Thermal Grease? Someone told me apple doesn't use Thermal Grease? Could that have damaged my processor?

Thanks so much for the tip. I'm going to try it now.