Please help, stupid IE problem


Everytime I am using Internet Explorer, all of the sudden just randomly it stalls. And then I have to force quit, but then after trying to relaunch it, it will just stall at a white window. Nothing happens. So to use the Web I either have to switch to Mozilla, or restart.

But then, if I want to restart, my system stalls on the blue-screen. This is everytime IE stalls. And if IE stalls, other applications such as iTunes stall with it. But they don't stall unless IE does. I know I said stall to many times but this is very annoying. I hope you can help me. Is it a memory problem? Is it messed up? What is wrong with it? Am I the only one with this problem?

I have a G4 768MB of RAM if it helps. Please help me, thanks.
i'm debating as to whether or not to make one of my usual snide comments like "call m$ and demand your money back for the lousy software they sold you" or to just suggest that you do a search of this site for 'explorer' and see all the dozens of threads that have been written about the various ways it screws up and nobody can ever figure out how to fix them short of a complete reinstall and sometimes even that doesn't help.

what do you think? which should i do?;)