Please help us concoct a custom solution to keep the peace...


Hi fellow Mac users! :) Here's my first post/question. I basically already have a solution in mind, I only need some specifics on how to make it work and work the first time. Let me explain.

We have a petty nuisance problem around the Mac-user workplace of an employee who plays her internet radio in a domineering fashion. She's not very open to the concepts of community. Some see the value in some peace and quiet and others just want to hear something besides the same old freakin' looped classic rock all day. The only real solution lies in modifying her G4 computer, of which she only uses the internal speaker. We do this in the name of peaceful coexistence, not vandalism. ;)

Now, I doubt there's a software solution which will fit the necessary criteria. She is not exactly computer-savvy, but she has some menial basic knowledge and if provoked, she'll likely go the distance to find the issue, so this will need to be as invisible to her as possible. I already have a tactic how to achieve our goal, I only need help in the logistics. First, here is our goal...

We need the volume diminished, say by about half. It cannot be totally eliminated, as she'll obviously become eager to fix it and in so doing find out what's been done. It must be as undetectable as possible, so as she cannot easily locate what's different. In short, if we can merely reduce the music coming from her computer, we'll be happy, and so long as she's at least getting something from her internal speaker, she's likely to not bother looking intently for what's wrong. Viola, issue resolved. Now, I don't believe there's a software solution which can achieve that. It would be nice to just open the box and unplug the speaker, but we get the feeling that not even getting a start-up chime would see her too-easily finding out what's wrong. So, "just quieter" is our goal. She'd likely just scratch her head, mumble, and give up almost immediately, and we'd all sigh in relief.

Anyway, here's my idea. If I could go to a computer hardware supply place, pick up a bit of internal speaker wire and a female and male connector and an appropriate or variable resistor, we could rig a mod, open her box and in a snap, bypass, and presto/chango, less sound. Now, to avoid a lot of failed attempts to get the right results, the main question I have is this; what kind of resistor should I get which would partially diminish the signal of a G4 speaker to about half? I don't know much about such things, I don't even know the ohms, etc. of that particular speaker or have the tools to figure it out.

To anyone who has such knowledge at their command, do you have a suggestion on what kind of partial interrupter we could use, or an inexpensive one that we could tweak?

Thanks so much! :D
There are soem other optiosn that might work:

You could remote desktop her. Install Apple Remote Desktop or some free VNC equivalent so you can turn her down remotely. Cheeky but fun as you can also make her think the machine is haunted (switching the screen into inverse mode and back is freaky).

Or maybe write a script to set her volume level to 50 % every x minutes. I guess you could do this in Applescript. Maybe even you could do it via cron but not sure how to link the nix side to the finder side.

Or even, i have this wild suggestion, its really way out there, why don't her some headphones? The apple earbuds have decent sound isolation and then she'd think you were nice not nasty. :)

Or if you're really nuts, a total psycho, you could just find a pleasant way to ask her to keep it down :P
ora said:
Or even, i have this wild suggestion, its really way out there, why don't her some headphones? The apple earbuds have decent sound isolation and then she'd think you were nice not nasty. :)

Or if you're really nuts, a total psycho, you could just find a pleasant way to ask her to keep it down :P

You know I thought I was wayyy off base thinking of the headphones idea.

But seriously, before you go screwing with resistors and wattage, just ask her to fix the problem herself. I'm sure that no matter the extent of bohemianism, she'll be willing to bring in a pair of headphones the next time she comes into work.
This is the wrong forum. Please look at the forum descriptions and tell me where it fits. The HOWTO & FAQ forum is for _answers_, not questions.
Thank you one and all for the replies. :)

This is the wrong forum. Please look at the forum descriptions and tell me where it fits. The HOWTO & FAQ forum is for _answers_, not questions.

Yes, *banging own head* I realized that after I posted it. However, I was hoping that the mods here might be able to move it to where they'd prefer it. Not sure.

There are soem other optiosn that might work:

I didn't think of those particular ideas, and I do like them! I'll look into them.

why don't her some headphones? The apple earbuds have decent sound isolation and then she'd think you were nice not nasty.

Or if you're really nuts, a total psycho, you could just find a pleasant way to ask her to keep it down

Well, if I didn't already mention this, she's not exactly responsive in the courtesy department. I don't want to make this a big stink around here by complaining and kindly mentions have a way of just dying. Anytime someone turns their music on, she'll just overpower them. And the headphones wouldn't really work as nobody wants to bother with them. We're all up and about so often, she wouldn't want to wear them anymore than anyone else, myself included, as a solution to either hearing what we each want to OR what we DON'T want to, if you get me. In other words, I'm thinking a better idea would be for me to get the headphones for myself, making sure they include active noise cancelling, albiet it still won't really fix the community pestering.

Anyway, I've searched all about the web to discover what exactly is the ohm rating for the G4 internal speaker so I can take at least that information to a Radio Shack or something to make the part, but I cannot find it anywhere.

I'll look into those other ideas too, and I'll be back to check for more. :)
Maybe I missed something but why don't you take this to a manager or someone who has the power to tell her to turn it down? If enough people have problems with it you should all make it a point to tell the manager how you feel. If it's hurting your productivity why would the manager have a problem telling her to turn it down?

There are plenty of ways to deal with this besides hacking her computer.
Well, that's totally true. The rationale is that our superior is the best boss a guy could ask for. He really looks out for his staff, deflects for us, provides a great working climate, always has an open door, ect. The deal is, he's earned so much of our respect, we hate bringing him petty problems. We just don't wanna beat him down in what may seem like trivial nonsense.

It seems to me that once I pull this off, it will be the best, least-painful equalizer for all concerned.
I understand your position and concern of bringing the situation to the manager; however, handling hostile work environments is part of his responsibilities.


That said ...

Locate and open the '/etc/' folder. Use 'Finder's 'Go, Go to Folder...' menu item.
Drag 'crontab' to the 'Desktop' (thus, creating a copy of '/etc/crontab' - on the 'Desktop'), and drag the 'Desktop' based 'crontab' onto 'TextEdit' (on the 'Dock').

'TextEdit' is in the '/Applications/' folder.

Enter ...

*/1 * * * * root osascript -e 'set volume 3'

... and press the <return> key.

Note: there is a <tab> before the second through fourth '*', and before and after 'root'.

Save ('Command S') the change. Make sure to not have 'TextEdit' add the '.txt' extension; this will happen if you select 'Save As...' ('Command <shift> S').

Launch 'Terminal' (in the '/Applications/Utilities/' folder).
Enter ...

sudo bash

... and press the <return> key.

Enter a valid administrator's password, and press the <return> key again.

Enter (or select and 'copy') as a single line of code ...

mv $HOME/Desktop/crontab /etc/; cd /etc/; chmod 755 crontab; chown root crontab; chgrp wheel crontab; killall cron

... and press the <return> key.


Each minute the volume will be set to 43% of maximum volume.