Please Help!

I just bought a newertech G3 400MHz 1MB Backside processor and I tried installing it into my 9600/300 but when I go to turn it on the screen doesn't do anything (it work when I have the old processor in) I did install some software but it didn't seem to work, please help. Thanks.

And I'm on system 8.1 if that makes a difference.
Here's a LINK for more up-to-date software. You may have some old software with that old G3 card.(It was probably made about 5 years ago) There's not a lot of tech info on these cards anymore, but it should work with OS 8.1 - The newest software is also compatible with OS 9
I would venture to guess the G3 card requires software/firmware that you don't have. Can you upgrade to System 9 and then try the G3 upgrade processor card? Might answer your dilemma.

I have found most of those replacement processor upgrades are a bunch of useless ***. But that's just my opinion after fighting with one during a test of my own on a 7200 mac. :)
I'am having a problem nearly identical (PM9600/200 with Newertech Maxpowr G3/300-200 and a ATI radeon7000)
if possible bring your system up to OS 9.1
then shut down the PM9600, get de powercord ou, wait at least 5 min, push the startup bottom (decharging the residual electricic energy in your machine),
open your mac, use a special strap around your wrist connected to the metal parts of the mac - equipotential aginst static electricity (or if you don't have such thing touch the powersupply or other metal parts regualary when your work inside) get your battery out and push on the SCUDA button for 30seconds (those 30sec might drain your battery) - replace the battery (before test your battery - she should give at minimum 3.2Volts new = 3.6V - if to low replace), put everything back and ........ start the mac
good luck