Please Please HELP!!!! iMovie!!


OMG!!! I have a huge problem and require IMMEDIATE assitance!!! I was wondering if anybody has had a problem where your project file, when opened gives the error "Your project file could not be read". I seriously need help with this problem!!! PLEASE!!!!! Any suggestions?
Change the permissions of the file so you can read it, or you have a corrupted file.
Xoot is right sounds like you need to change the movie file's privileges so that this file can be read.

Did you try this yet?

If the movie file HAS been corrupted you may be able to repair it with a disk utility program like Norton Disk Dr. (Only run the latest version of Norton DD on OSX — Version 7). If the movie file can not be salvaged, the media files should still be intact in the media folder within your movie project folder. You should be able to reconstruct your movie with minimal efforts, depending on the complexity of your project.