please someone tell me its possible

I have an iMac with a 19" monitor connected to it and it works in X but it won't show supported resolutions of the 19"(I want 1280 x 1024) because it only shows supported res's of the iMac display(and no unchecking show the recommended button doesn't work)anything anyone?
The external screen is just a mirror of ur build in iMac display. So there is no possibility to set up a higher screen resolution for the external monitor because the internal monitor is only capable of showing 1024x768.
I'm sure you are but make sure you're using osx 10.1. I have a g4 and with my 19" i couldn't get many resolutions I could in 9 until I got the 10.1 update. Other than that I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. Maybe it has to do with the opengl acceleration.
Hit that site...there is an article on how to enable unsupported resolutions in your file.
If it works under 9, how does it work? Will the internal iMac screen be dark while using a larger screen rez than 1024x768 ?