I've had a long term problem with my Plextor 12/10/32a and X.
It has never been consistent burning.
Sometimes I'll get thru a CDRW burn, NP, other time not. Very seldom do I get thru a CDR burn. Different brands of blanks doesn't seem to make a diff. Works fine on OS 9 partition.
I've tried a FW DVD107 and it worked fine. In spite of the fact that ASP says it's supported, I suspect the driver isn't quite there.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome, other them smarty comments.
G3/450M, built in video/Panther.3.2
It has never been consistent burning.
Sometimes I'll get thru a CDRW burn, NP, other time not. Very seldom do I get thru a CDR burn. Different brands of blanks doesn't seem to make a diff. Works fine on OS 9 partition.
I've tried a FW DVD107 and it worked fine. In spite of the fact that ASP says it's supported, I suspect the driver isn't quite there.
Any ideas or suggestions are welcome, other them smarty comments.
G3/450M, built in video/Panther.3.2