Plz Help Me

i installed the new itunes and its naming all my sounds weried symobles and crap. i remade my hole liberary but it still does it any help?
OMG I feel so dumb. Are there two file systems under OS X? HSF+ and HVF right? How do I check which is mine? (It's a new iMac, so it should be standard, right?)
Actually the two filesystems are HFS+ and UFS. HFS+ is the mac filesystem holdover from OS9 and UFS is the UNIX Filesystem. It all depends on how you formatted your drive to begin with. I think HFS+ is the default, but you could format your drive as UFS if you wanted. Someone else out there can correct me if I'm wrong on this. So, unless you expressly changed the harddrive format when you installed OSX, you probably have a HFS+ formatted drive.

Good Luck.
If you bought an iMac with OS X installed, chances are that it's UFS. 'specially the flat-panel iMacs which have OS X boot by default.

I looked through the file /etc/fstab.hd (which is what tells the OS to mount different partitions (all Unices have different partitions, even if you have only one drive partition (don't worry about it, it's transparent :) ))), this is what I found:
/dev/hd0a       /       ufs     rw              1  1
/dev/hd0e       /var    ufs     rw              1  2
/dev/hd0f       /usr    ufs     rw              1  2
/dev/hd0d       /tmp    mfs     rw,-s=12000,-b=8192,-f=1024,-T=sd660    0  0

So the scratch partition (/tmp) is mfs, but everything else is UFS. And I didn't do any re-configuring from the base installation.

I can't guarantee that this means that my system is UFS, I am not 100% positive that this indicates the filesystem types. But I am 98% sure.
...OS 9 does not support UFS as a boot volume (if at all), SO...any machine which has Mac OS 9 installed as bootable must be HFS+. Correct me if I'm wrong!
Originally posted by nkuvu
If you bought an iMac with OS X installed, chances are that it's UFS. 'specially the flat-panel iMacs which have OS X boot by default.

Say what? Where did you get this info from? All over the technical library from Apple - not to mention countless forums - it is documented how awful slow UFS compared to HFS+ is under OS X and that it causes more than one problem with carbon apps.

I don't think Apple would format anything as UFS....
Originally posted by chenly
...OS 9 does not support UFS as a boot volume (if at all), SO...any machine which has Mac OS 9 installed as bootable must be HFS+. Correct me if I'm wrong!

You are perfectly right, OS 9 can't even mount UFS volumes properly...

UFS = BAD! UFS = SLOW! UFS = ......BAAAAHH!!! (at least under OS X)
/etc/fstab.hd is not used by OSX or any UNIX. it is a template provided for reference if you want to move it to /etc/fstab and edit it to your system.

the fact that there are UFS entries there does not mean anything. Apple does not ship any computers with UFS. almost noone uses UFS with mac OSX

the easiest way to check what filesystem a colume uses is to just highlight the drive and get info on it.

i m glad you left yourself 2% for error here, because it is my claim that we are in the 2% situation
Yeah, my bad. I haven't been back to this thread for a while, so I didn't realize that I had posted an error until now.

You're all right, OS X uses HFS+ by default. UFS == bad. Nkuvu == not enough research before posting. :(

ulrik asked: "Where did you get this info from?" I think it's perfectly clear where I got this info from. I said so in my post. /etc/fstab.hd -- but lethe has a very valid point, in that it's not the /etc/fstab file I was thinking of. Unix has a file /etc/fstab "which is what tells the OS to mount the different partitions". (As said in my original post, even)

I was, uh, testing everyone. :rolleyes:

Keep in mind that I've been using OS X for a grand total of 1.5 months now, so anything I say about it is subject to error in interpretation. Before this time I used MS and Unix (and way back when I used Systems 6 through 7.5).

1.5 months!!! you are about to pass 1000 posts! holy moly, i guess your love for OSX surpasses even my own!

anyway, i figured that it was an old thread, but i happened across it, and i just wanted to clarify what those fstab files are for. and one can never have too many warnings against using UFS. who knows what newbie might stumble across this thread and later decide to reformat.

anyway, usually you re very knowlegable and you did leave yourself the error. so lets move on.

But notice when I registered...? March 2002.

Like I said, I know Unix fairly well, so a lot of this is not new to me. Just the Mac part of it. ;)

Learn something new every day, though -- I didn't know about the Get Info command.