CaptainQuark said:
quite apart from which, now that Adobe has acquired Macromedia, they are starting to monopolise the market in an unhealthy way. As a Freehand user, I'm seriously concerned that it will die at the hands of Illustrator!
The market needs a good, strong QuarkXpress!
Interesting points!! I hadn't really paid attention to the macromedia takeover. As it goes, I'm a long term Adobe user (as i remember i used Photoshop 2.5LE and Illustrator 5.5 to begin with). On the other hand, I agree, you need competition to avoid contracting windozitis.
On the InDesign/QXP issue, I know of a major (UK) newspaper going to InDesign because they moved to OSX and basically felt InDesign was a better bet on the new platform, and thats after paying I suspect a great deal for a custom Quark setup (On the other hand I know of a major UK magazine that subs in Word of all things, so i guess you can't assume the media always take the right course).
I hope Quark fairs better with 7 than they have been recently, its clearly been a great product for a long time. On the other hand, they have a disadvantage. While monopoly sucks, the increasingly seamless transition between Photoshop and Illustrator has been a great thing for users, and saved a bunch of time, and obviously that extends to InDesign for me too, i know where everything is going to be, and import/export is generally a breeze. However compatible Quark is, it has a different look and feel etc.
Anyway, back on topic for the original poster.
As the Cap'n said, you can run PageMaker in Classic (OS9 emulation mode), if you still have the old disks. Personally, I wouldn't buy an OS9 version of PM to run under OS X, but thats partly about me being an X-o-holic.
You can buy Quark, which despite some problems, is a fine program with a long quality pedigree, and is probably better for long documents like books.
You can get InDesign. which may be cheaper due the the possibility of an upgrade price. If you are accustomed to Adobe products, you'll probably find it fairly quick to use.
With InDesign at least, you can download a tryout version (and tryouts of other Adobe products) at . If you aren't going to go for the OS9 PM under classic, I'd get the trial InDesign, and if you don't like it, find someone with Quark and have go with that.
Anyway, enjoy the powerbook, and by the way, I really liked that you started your first post on this board with "Hi friends"