Podcast recommendations

Good evening,

Thought I'd start a thread where people can post their favourite podcasts. There are so many crappy ones out there it can be hard to find the diamonds in the rough.

I'll kick things off with my own personal Top 5:

  1. Diggnation: Discussion of the week's top stories from digg.com.
  2. Dr Karl on Triple J: People call in to know-it-all Dr Karl, asking questions about science.
  3. Channel Frederator (video): New animated shorts every week, submitted by film makers around the world. Some are good. Some are not.
  4. Hack Daily: Australian youth-centered political affairs show.
  5. Best of 2Day: Best bits of Australian radio station 2day FM.
I have two that I listen to religiously. :D

1. In The Trenches: The podcast for system admins and IT pros.
2. TWiT (This Week in Tech): "THE SCREEN SAVERS" LIVES AGAIN! ::ha:: (that was the only show worth anything on the late ZDTV/TechTV along with Call for Help)

About Channel Frederator, I had heard about that about a month ago that they were showing their cartoons online for free. My son and I watch Fairly Odd Parents, ChalkZone, and Teenage Robot on Nick from time to time. :D

I'll buy it in January! It'll be my first iPod :D

Do you think it's worth to wait for MacWorld Expo?

I don't think so. They only just released the 5Gs, they're not gonna do anything new to iPod IMO. They may very likely release a new iPod Shuffle at the Expo, but not iPods or Nanos.

That's actually the reason why I started this thread. I, too, bought my first iPod, which I'm using all the time. As such I find I am ripping through my weekly schedule of podcasts too fast, and need some new ideas!


Good call on TWiT nixgeek, it's great!. Donno how I missed that one! :D
symphonix said:
... so you might like the "Speaking in Tongues" video podcast


That show is freakin' hilarious! I'm not a religious person, so I got very worried after the first 10 seconds, as I thought it was going to be a preachy religious show. I'm not sure how you'd decribe it, because it is religious, but die-hard christians would hate it.

I'm not sure you could get away with a show like that in the USA (mind you, even here in Aust. the network stations wouldn't touch it either).

Cheers for that one :D

EDIT: just realised this has been moved from The Cafe. Thanks, I was tossing up between iPod crowd and Cafe. I guessed wrong! ;)
I've gone off Inside Mac. I used to listen to it, but the presenters started to annoy me, and there is a lot of fluff these days, lots of ads and lots of useless information.

It's 25 minutes of entertainment crammed into 1.5 hours.

Dj macintosh said:
Mac Classic: 8Mhz, 1MB RAM, 40MB HDD, System 6
Mac LC: 16Mhz, 10MB RAM, 80MB HDD, System 6

WOW do you actually use them?

I use the classic for nostalgic purposes every so often. I used to use Hypercard on the Classic to make short animations when I was young, so it's fun to look at those. The LC is in the garage collecting dust :/

For some reason I can't bring myself to hide away the Classic. It has a permenent place on my desk :) Also, I once dropped my Classic down the stairs, but it still runs like a dream (Has a cracked case tho) so it's a reminder to me how much Macs rock - no matter what u do to them!
Dj macintosh said:
Mac Classic: 8Mhz, 1MB RAM, 40MB HDD, System 6
Mac LC: 16Mhz, 10MB RAM, 80MB HDD, System 6

WOW do you actually use them?

I have a 33 MHz 68040 Macintosh Quadra 650. This is what it's doing right now if you can believe it. I've got it maxxed out with 136 MB of RAM and it has a 4 GB hard drive.

The power of the Macintosh even after 12 years! :D

And Cheese, why not do the same as I'm doing with your LC? Yeah, it's a Road Apple, but it still does have a good use. I used to use it as a mobile computer for my sequences with a small black and white IBM monitor when I played keyboards for my church some time ago. Easy to set up, lightweight, and took a beating. :D