point and shoot digital camera 4x6 prints?


My mother in law's point and shoot digital (sony) was set to 3.1M- when I transferred the pictures to my computer and tried to print them to 4x6 borderless, they all came out small. I remember having this same problem in the past with my camera, and on subsequent uses I switched my camera setting to 3:2 and it worked (not that I really understand why) but the prints would occupy the entire 4x6 borderless photo paper. Is there anyway to manipulate the computer settings once the photos have been uploaded to iPhoto to in essence "enlarge" them to fill the 4x6? Constrain doesn't seem to do anything? What are the best settings anyway on a point and shoot to print 4x6 ( and if I should want to print out larger prints, do the camera settings have to be changed again prior to taking the picture?)

