Poll images not showing up

you must mean the little graphics that cover the bars coming out from the numbers. I noticed that a long time ago but figure it's just as well. buttons and stuff like that are what make the pages take so long to load sometimes.

Btw - admin, you're not really Bill Gates disguised as an english corporation disguised as a nice guy from the states are you??:D

where do they come from?:confused:
Actually, I am really Steve Jobs. Its hard to live on $1 a year. Uhhh...

But secretly... I own some lofty aircraft that is like 12 billion dollars. It takes lots of money to have my own aircraft.... so I must be rich and this must all be a scam.

Hmm... what COLOR SCHEME are you using. The bars show up for me. But then I am using a beta version of the new color scheme. Oppsss... did I say a new color scheme?

I must be Steve Jobs... all these colors....

Admin 'aka Steve Jobs, owner of Jelsoft'
Steve:D - i am using intense gray. keeps my eyes from burning.

so how do you survive on $1 a year? I've aways figured you must live on the plane since apple pays all the expenses on it. i assume that would cover meals. but where do you get your clothes? I can't even dress for $1 at Goodwill:p