Poll: What do you use your OS X box for ?

What is your PRIMARY use for your mac ?

  • I code myself silly! (java/C/obj-c...pick yer poison)

  • I code and devellop for the web

  • Basic wordprocessing, spreadsheets, powerpoint & school stuff

  • Audio visual editing (at home)

  • Audio visual on the road (for all you mobile professionals)

  • To play games... DUH!!!!

  • Surf the net and get my e-mails

  • Use it for publication work

  • Use it for networking/administering

  • Two or more of the above (only if you do two or more of the above full time)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Simply Daemonic
As I sit here an toil over my mac over AV editing and coding in C (taking a brak now obviously) I was wondering what you guys use your macs for :)
Well, right now in OS X can't do whole lot, since none of my hardware is supported, but in OS 9, I do sound FX and design for TV/Film. Just waiting for the day when I can actually USE that second processor that's been collecting dust for the past year.
Do you know of any apps for OS 9 that can play m2v (MPEG2) files ? At this point I have to go through a lengthy process of making them into .mov or .mpg files in order to view them (which really sux because between demuxing, converting from mpg2 to mov and then editing in final cut and saving and converting to mpeg at least 5 hours go by for each 3 minute music video that I have)
I just need playback capability :)
I have looked all over the net to see if there is such a player
(since QT5 doesnt do so yet, contrary to rumors)
but I could not find anything
well, the only thing i can think of offhand, is Cleaner 5, made by Terran. It's mainly meant as a compression/recompression tool, but it'll definitely be able to playback for you. It can handle pretty much any type of audio/video format. it's kinda pricey though, but i bet you could find a copy of it on hotline, if you're so inclined :)
cool, thanx for the info :)
I have seen cleaner 5 on a number of hotline & carracho servers but never knew the extent to its possibilities. As for price... I am sure there is some educational discount available ;)