Maybe someone can help with a recomendation, seems my web mail provider went belly up! Could someone suggest a free POP3 email service with SMTP services.
You could try - it's a German company, offers free POP3 and SMTP, although their servers are down more often than I'd like.
Depending on your connection type (i.e. if it's an always on connection), you could just use your home computer - use a service like to keep a constant domain name, and then turn on sendmail (or install another SMTP server - I use postfix) and a POP3 server like qpopper (available from ) on your home machine...
I would rather use my own ISP but they use SMTP authentication and for the life of me I can't figure out how to get my Notes R6 client configured for SMTP authentication.
How about this option - use your computer for SMTP (plenty of discussion of turning on sendmail on this forum, do a search), and your ISP's POP3 server?