Port switcher for Mac/PC


Sorry if this is a repost could locate a similiar one.

So I just put together a PC and am using my MS Intellipoint mouse since it works for both platforms. I'm getting ready to purchase a port switcher but I heard somewhere that the top keys above the numpad won't work (volume up down mute and eject) Do these keys work through the port switcher?
I am using a KVM switch from Dr. Bott and everything runs fine, including mentioned keys.
Awesome. It will be nice to have one of everything rather than two. Is the VGA good via the switcher?
It's great, it's a digital switch, so it also doesn't harm your displays. I am using it with a 17'' Apple CRT Display and the picture is great, no ghost images, nothing. But since it is a digital switch, it is not cheap. It costs around 50 dollars...