Port used for Internet Sharing?


Unofficial Mac Genius
Does anybody know what ports are used for Internet Sharing on Mac OS X? I have my iMac sharing it's ethernet connection via AirPort to my PowerBook, but if I the firewall is activated on the iMac, Internet Sharing doesn't work. I have to disable the firewall in order for it to work.

I found an official list of ports used by Apple software, and it lists port 443 as the port for HTTP over SSL (presumably what internet sharing is), but opening up that port still doesn't allow Internet Sharing to go through the firewall.

Does anybody have any insight?
It uses all ports - Internet sharing means the entire range of IP protocols and ports - TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.

Unfortunately the OS X firewall setup utility is quite poor - it won't let you distinguish between network interfaces, specify source port or IP ranges, etc.

What you need to do is get a fairly restrictive set of rules on the outside interface, and more permissive ones on the inside one. You might try brickhouse, but I haven't really used that in a couple of years...
you might want to open port 53 which is for dns lookups - essential for web browsing