I believe I saw a port already of samba over at
I'm just going to start posting binaries over at versiontracker.
By the way, installing the developer tools is not that difficult you can get them from
http://www.darwinos.org though if I remember it is a good download 150M I think, pull the developer tools off of that and start compiling. Compiling code to work on darwin is not that hard either.
http://www.macaddict.com/content/news/2000/09/13/18709 has an article describing how to install the developer tools.
I recommend anyone who wants to expand there knowledge a little try and go out and compile something from source, it's not as hard and scary as most people think.
Example: One of my favorite tools, nmap.
Step 1: Find nmaps homepage, I choose to use
http://www.freshmeat.net for this.
Step 2: Download source tarball.
Step 3: untar the tar ball.
Step 4: change directory and run ./configure
Step 5: make
Oops, crashy, looks like I don't have the libm, the math library installed. Using sherlock I locate libm on the Darwin OS image. I copy it over and register it.
Step 5: Bingo!
Do some testing, but more or less nmap was just ported, I now have a binary that I can give to people.