Posix Api


echo $row['what_tha'];
I am trying to use a keyspan twin serial (USB) to serial adaptor, but the
keyspan drivers only create a service that you have to write programs
that make calls using the POSIX API ( - /dev/tty.KeyUSA28X<geo>1 -- or -- /dev/cu.KeyUSA28X<geo>1 ) to use the serial ports on the device .....

Well, I'm still very clue-less with C / Project Builder, I'm a php, REALBasic type of guy...

So out of chance, I'm wondering if there is any way at all to access serial services through the POSIX API in REALBasic... I simply feel there must be a way, I've seen people write class's and various plug-ins that do wonders...

I still don't get why, this is so extremly difficult, for the Keyspan folks to write drivers that worked like the ones in Classic, if they did, RB can be used right away, because RB had a (Printer - Serial) plug-in by standard....

If I can get this working... then I can finally use OS X for device controls such as robotics and other various computer controlled electronics... I want to quit using OS 9.1 so... so.. badly ;-)