possibility of radio monitors, speakers

I was thinking... the one thing that apple still hasn't perfected is wireless communication between modules (monitor, computer, speakers, mice). The airport covered the mostlikely most pressing need of wireless internet, but there are still many cords running from my computer to my display, to my soundsticks, to the keyboard, etc. What is the likelyhood that this could all become wireless. I know about airport, and I've read some about bluetooth devices and how bluetooth equiped digital cameras and wirelessly and automatically sync with computers... something to think about.
Any device that has an heaphone-output can have wireless headphones, also apple (duh). So no need to make it more difficult than it is, with all that airport technologie. It's to sufficticated ( ? ) to be used for a "wireless headphone", you can do better things with airport. Like wireless PRINTING!!!

yes, wireless printing, and wireless SPEAKERS and especially wireless monitors... i think it would be awesome if you could have your powermac under the desk and then just a free standing monitor and speakers. I guess a power source could be an issue... what do you think?
I have wireless headphones... My wife would kill me if she could hear my games while she tries to sleep. I also use them with the TV and radio. They have great range. I cannot remember what make they are, I got them from CDNow.

I don't know if I'd want to worry about powering your wireless dreamland. Batteries and/or recharging would really suck. I always forget to plug in the headphones and they always die at the most inopportune times.
It'll be quite a while before a wireless monitor is possible (the bandwidth required is just too high).

Wireless speakers is possible, but unless they're battery powered you'll have to have some sort of wired connection...

You could power the speakers from the signal, but unless you want to cook your innards when you stand between the speaker and the transmitter, the volume isn't going to be up to much :D

If everything was wireless and say you had a whole lab of these wireless equipped computers, it could get messy with all of them interefereing with each other, I don't really see the point either, you're not going to keep your computer and monitor in seperate rooms or speakers in another room...If you want wireless computing...buy a laptop!
I'll see someone a pair of wireless headphones if they wanted them....

Here's the perfect headphones...

The antenna is just a small nub off of the jack, it runs off off power through the music source. The headphones are two individual small inner ear style headphones, they could hook onto the ear, be in the ear canal, take your pick. They could dock with comething to recharge. Anyway, this would be great for something like an iPod, or even just for hooking to the side of my laptop, and unobtrusively listening to music, without wires, which is the point of a laptop.

This technology probly isn't avalible, but it seems like the next natural evolution.
about the power source, who here has an electric toothbrush? most charge without actully touching 2 terminals... i think it's simalar to the power transmitting technology you were talking about, jim. how exactly does that work? how would you transmit power and what kind of radiation would you have to wory about? is there any device that uses the technology you're talking about now?

I hadn't thouguht about the computer lab/networking issue... i suppose it would be more of a home appliance
Sounds like your toothbrush gets power via an inductive loop. You can only do that in very close proximity.

Anything that could transmit enough power would have enough power to cook whatever fleshy bits you put betwix transmitter and receiver...

lol, now here's an idea... i'm science class today we were just studying different kinds of alternative energy. For solar, my teacher brought up the idea of capturing the sun's light in a convex mirrored satellite and "beam" it to a solar power station on earth... maybe we could do the same thing for wireless devices... so solar cells work with infra-red light? i know it wouldn't look to pleasant to have blaring lights coming from the computer pointed at different objects.:rolleyes: :cool:
Originally posted by thisbechuck
yes, wireless printing, and wireless SPEAKERS and especially wireless monitors... i think it would be awesome if you could have your powermac under the desk and then just a free standing monitor and speakers. I guess a power source could be an issue... what do you think?

wireless displays would be stupid. Apart from the fact that it is just not possible at the moment, where is the difference of running ONE cord to your Mac ADC or ONE cord to a power output and have a less reliable USB and video bus to the screen? Yes, the difference is that the first solutions is reliable!

Don't forget, you can't transport eletricity wireless at the moment... (well, technically, you can....but..........)...and induction systems are a BIT expensive...
Let's bath ourselves in more electromagnetic radiation. Shall we? There are well established studies that show that cell phones heat up brain tissue a degree or two. It also causes changes to DNA. How does this happen? Cell phones emit microwave radiation. If people are in their homes, why do they need wireless headphones? Believe me, if you purchase really good speakers and other audio equipment, you don't need to have the volume turned up to avoid missing some of the music, assuming you don't already have hearing impairment.
Can't you people just go to ebay.com and buy a FM transmitter? I've seen transmitters with a range of 15 metres or something for around 20 $, I think. Hook it up to your computer, find an empty frequency, get a portable mini-radio with headphones... and woosh, you have a wireless audio system for less than 40 $... You could also tune in the sound from the Mac on your stereo... GAH! Apple would charge 500 for this!