possible new feature: member ratings?


Barking at the moon.
I know there are some other forums where members can rate other members ... on like a 1-5 scale. Here it would probably be for general helpfulness, but I think it could encourage [some] people to help others just a bit more. After all, that's what this community is supposed to about.

Just thought I would give a little suggestion.
Ack... I know everybody would rate me a 1 just for kicks. I vote no.

I have to wonder if membership rankings would become a popularity thing and not to measure helpfulness. It seems that there is more troll-like behavior here as of late and that would just lead to more brickbats thrown about. I know that I now have about 6 people on my ignore list when 3 months ago, I had 0.
Plus you'd get mixed messages. A 1 to you might be a 4 to me.
Back? I never left. Girlfriend-related lapses, sure, but left, no.

I know vB3 has a referral system because it was on when Scott first upgraded the board. However, I think he turned it off because no one cared. I doubt there would be much interest in member ratings except to bug others.
I, too, vote no. The votes would never be very accurate, since there are people who would definitely mess around with these things.
I didn't realize the majority of our fellow members were so dishonest and immature that we couldn't possibly trust them with rating the helpfulness of their peers. My mistake.
I didn't realize the majority of our fellow members were so dishonest and immature that we couldn't possibly trust them with rating the helpfulness of their peers.
A few bad apples can spoil the barrel.
Alright! Enough of talking behind my back! So what? I am on Randmans ignor list (and he can't even read this now :D) and Bob hates me too not to mention the war between Arden and myself..
Well, old apples tend to rot ;)

No seriously, I think it would end up in a disaster. Such ratings might be a great magnifying glass on ppls disagreement on the subject and turn to some personal thing..
Naw, I vote no, not subjective enough. One thing that would be cool though would be to set up a 'help request' feature. For example, someone could submit a problem and then someone else could 'take' it and help that person figure it out, one on one. Yes, I know there used to be something like that which was sold, but I still think it would be nice :)
You can always create an Avatar that looks just like an 'I like Fryke' badge (which even rhymes!) ;-)

No, I don't think member2member rating would add any real value to the forums. The members themselves can decide very well whether an answer to a specific problem they have is accurate/good whatever... And even the worst user who usually only spoils the fun of others can have a bright idea and help someone out once in a while, so what good would a bad rating of him/her be to other users?

My question is also: Under which circumstances would members usually actually _do_ rate other members? My personal opinion: Members would have the tendency to actually _do_ rate other members when they're p**d off by another member. Which would, overall, lead to mostly bad ratings. Which isn't exactly helpful, is it.
I am currently on a forum that uses member ratings ( i am not a geek is the name) they also have alot of other features that would go well with the site for example games and 'pets'. They are also on a VB package. Im not saying that all of the things on that site would work well here, but wouldnt it be nice to add a little bit of fun into this forum again? It seems as if we have gone down hill in the past few years. This place used to be a lot more light heated.
