Possible to Run Linux 64 on MacPro?

Thanks for the speedy reply!

Yes I don't like the sound of the fan not running properly, just quickly glanced over those links, will look again tomorrow, but it appears more complicated than windows on the Mac.

I had thought that Blender was doing these fluid simulations better on a Linux 64 than the Mac. May, I hope, have found the glitch on the Mac. Better not speak too soon.
I think the complication is that its a MacPro. I was looking at ubuntu and they have guides for installing on the Macbook and Macbook Pro but almost nothing on the MacPro, just a series of possible issues.

If you are having a glitch with blender on Mac, it might be worth submitting it to the developers, someone may be able to fix it.
I think the complication is that its a MacPro. I was looking at ubuntu and they have guides for installing on the Macbook and Macbook Pro but almost nothing on the MacPro, just a series of possible issues.

If you are having a glitch with blender on Mac, it might be worth submitting it to the developers, someone may be able to fix it.

Did some more work and find it's not a glitch but rather a memory limitation as I first thought thus the 64 bit idea. Maybe I'll try to contact the Blender developers and see if there is a 64 bit Mac beta in the works.

The Linux 64 for the moment really looks too difficult but it seems Vista 64 would work. Apple has had this 64 bit going for over 5 years now and no programs yet except Houdini (this summer) and Lightwave (maybe this month). Even on the G5 you would think someone would have written some render or batch edit command line application for graphics(?)
I DID find some info as to why Blender is not out for Mac 64-bit, basically more work is needed. I'm in a similar predicament, unfortunately us Mac Blenderheads aren't given the same priority as Linux and Windows users, that's my view anyway (like no sound support on Intel Macs, no 64 bit, no fix for Mac GMA950 users).