Post your df -kl here!

I was just making a program that parsed the output of df -kl, and I wanted to make sure that the order of drives listed was / then fdesc and then the stuff in /Volumes. I also wanted to see if spaces in drives names messed it up :)
I still don't see a way to tell if it's a CD drive or hard drive from it yet. There's probably a much easier way to be doing that too :)
Filesystem    1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/disk0s10  24338100 12542200 11795900    51%    /
fdesc                 1        1        0   100%    /dev
/dev/disk0s9   15678480  1657360 14021120    10%    /Volumes/Mac OS9
/dev/disk3s1   39068352     5248 39063104     0%    /Volumes/FW40G
/dev/disk2       244516     4696   239820     1%    /Volumes/ZIP250
/dev/disk1       714449   714449        0   100%    /Volumes/Audio CD

OS9 & 10 are on same drive, partitioned out into two.
disk3s1 (FW40G) is a 40Gig IDE connected via a Firewire box.
es, i've realized that people mount weird things :) but for now i'm going to go with the assumption that only things in /Volumes are mounted, and fix what I'm doing at a later time :)
2 internal drives with several partitions and several network mounts

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk1s9           8909632   2888596   6021036  33% /
devfs                        1         1         0 100% /dev
/dev/disk0s9           1038096     86540    951556   9% /Volumes/swap
fdesc                        1         1         0 100% /dev
<volfs>                    512       512         0 100% /.vol
/dev/disk0s10          5257980    572180   4685800  11% /Volumes/Classic
/dev/disk1s10          8909632   6504552   2405080  74% /Volumes/Users
/dev/disk1s11          8909632   3054644   5854988  35% /Volumes/8g
                      36351280  27739312   8611968  77% /Volumes/Publik
                      36351280  27739312   8611968  77% /Volumes/Projekts
                      17781184  17744228     36956 100% /Volumes/17g
                      36351280  27739312   8611968  77% /Volumes/Eddie