Post your Jaguar screenshots here!


Hellow everyone,

Post your 10.2 screenshots here, pleaz, and also the new cursor-thingies :D:D:D

Here's mine:
Here's Mine

When you say "the new cursor-thingies" do you mean the updated spinning beachball?

Has anybody noticed that the inigrated screenshot feature can now take pictures off the DVD player?:D

Also if you drag a file on top of a folder with the default folder icon, the icon changes to an open folder.
Can someone post a screenshot of what the new cursor looks like?

Plus I have read on one of the 10.2 threads that a new feature is that you can drag a minimized window's icon off the dock and place it anywhere onto the screen. Is it true?

ps. WDW, I like the background pic, where did you get it from?
Thanks for the link wdw_.

Wow. that being able to drag minimized windows off you dock is Cool/Strange. It's strange that it isn't getting mentioned anywhere. SpyMac has pics of every tiny little thing that has changed, even stupid little things like order of preferences, but nothing on this feature.

I think it sounds really useful (well i think it will be for me). I often have several minimized terminals open outputting logs. Now I can drag them off to the corner of my screen and keep my dock uncluttered. Even if it isn't your cup of tea it is certainly something that no other operating system has.

Oops sorry, I didn't mean the cursor, i meant that busy spinning wheel. Has it changed? Someone said it's now a aqua blob?!?