Postfix woes


Back to Mac Baby!
Hello all,
I'll make this one brief, but all inclusive ;)

I've set up post fix, and everything is peachy keen, I've avoided the build errors, dodged the scary unix monster, but failed to get to the bottom of the configurations...
(By the way, holmBrew hooked me up with the stepwise postfix article... awesome reading)

Here's my (not all of it, just the important part)

mydomain =
myhostname =

mynetworks = 192.168.1.*

myorigin = $mydomain
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost, localhost.$mydomain
alias_maps = netinfo:/aliases
program_directory = /usr/local/bin

Here's the error I find in the log when trying to use as my smtp server.

Feb 7 17:36:21 localhost postfix/smtpd[718]: connect from unknown[]
Feb 7 17:36:21 localhost postfix/cleanup[719]: warning:
(It gives about 6 of these numeric hostname warnings... Stupid, but deal-able)
Feb 7 17:36:21 localhost postfix/smtpd[718]: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 554 <>: Recipient address rejected: Relay access denied; from=<> to=<>
Feb 7 17:36:26 localhost postfix/smtpd[718]: disconnect from unknown[]

I know there is something wrong in my configuration files. Basically I want to have everyone inside the router able to send mail to my machine as say and have my machine then send it out into the real world. I've missed a configuration, and now I'm whipped...

I am not sure I know the cause of your problems with Postfix as I am a Postfix newbie myself. What I can tell you is that the free package has a nice module that provides a GUI interface for using/configuring Postfix. Works great!
Thank you both!

bluehz, Webmin will help my successor in administration of the network.

testuser, while I did not use the relaying, nor the WAN IP (The whole point was to keep it internal because verizon was being a bunch of monkeys) The thing that did work was the mynetworks_style = subnet

Thanks again, you've made me the hero of the day in this case.

This Press3 viewer still has a job as well! ;)
Great info on the postfix conf file. Anyone know of a good resource of info on setting up and using postfix beyond the basics?

- thx