Power Mac G4 with ACP graphics


Hi, i was wondering if my computer is able to get any processor upgrades because my 400mhz just isnt cutting it with all the programs im running and such. Please give me sugestions, because all the processor upgrades ive seen have been for quicksliver or ddm power macs. Also, do you think a quicksilver or ddm power mac g4 processor would work in my mac, because they have LOADS of upgrades for them
The first post was sufficient under the hardware section to get your question answered. No need for double posts. Thanx.

EDIT: oops make that triple posts under networking also. WTF?
Even if you upgrade the processor, you'll be limited by the system bus. Most faster PPC Macs (even the last PMG4 model with dual-procs) should be significantly cheaper now. Or you can invest the money in an early generation Intel Mac which will have much more longevity. At this point, the only reason to consider upgrading such an older Mac would be if you were a classic Mac enthusiast. But for practical purposes, a new(er) Mac would be a better investment.