Power Macs will be released anyday along with the infamous Gigawire!


Member that enjoys Meece
The top iMac at 1,799 runs on an 800mhz G4, the 1,699 Power Mac run on a 733mhz G4, iMac has 256mb of Ram, Powermac, 128, iMac has a 60 Gb harddrive, PowerMac has a 40, iMac has a SuperDrive, PowerMac has CD-RW, iMac comes with a flat panal 15in Moniter, PowerMac has no moniter, not to mention the iMac comes with everything else the PowerMac offers for only 100 dollars more. A Power Mac upgrade should be here any day, along with Gigawire.

If Apple is announcing PowerMacs at MWSF, they would've been announced at the keynote. Steve Jobs does not feel any guilt taking up more time, because he often goes half-an-hour over the alotted time.

I assume that new PowerMacs are going to be announced sometime in late January or early February. Remember, the high-end iMac still isn't shipping! They just want to make sure they have enough units to not issue a speed dump.
i'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that apple doesn't expect to sell many powermacs in the next little while. look at the shipping dates on the new imacs. they are expecting to be in full tilt production of these for awhile. there will be plenty of profit in them to last until about march at which point powermacs and TB's with geeeefiiiiives will blast out. this should roughly coincide with m$'s beta version of iphoto for xp and apple's release of osx.2. then look for july to bring the first revamp of the new imacs. won't be major changes, it will be the small things that get boosted.

just guessing. no crow to eat if i'm wrong.:p
Have you all learned nothing during the last 12 hours? Stop the hype. Apple did NOT deliver ("beyond the rumor sites" my a$$). Let's just quietly discuss what things Apple DID announce -- pleaaaase, I can't take any more unrealized promises. Unless you have ACTUALLY knowledge of something, please do not get my hopes up any more -- my fragile heart cannot take it; Steve Jobs let me down today. I wanted a PDA! :(
Originally posted by GadgetLover
Have you all learned nothing during the last 12 hours? Stop the hype. Apple did NOT deliver ("beyond the rumor sites" my a$$). Let's just quietly discuss what things Apple DID announce -- pleaaaase, I can't take any more unrealized promises. Unless you have ACTUALLY knowledge of something, please do not get my hopes up any more -- my fragile heart cannot take it; Steve Jobs let me down today. I wanted a PDA! :(

*takes his own head and slams it into a wall*

1) Steve explictly said NO PDAs awhile back, and has said nothing otherwise.

2) It was beyond the rumor sites... just not in the blunt fashion. Apple tends to attack ideas and hype from odd angles, and so it was beyond the rumor sites, since they were just expecting either: a Cube at the iMac's price, or a flattened iMac.

3) I agree the did overhype it, but the hype was right. This is Apple's 25th year, and I have to say, if this is what it starts out with, I definitely want to be around when they 'tweak the TiBook' and PowerMac later on in the year.
The new towers will come, top of the line will be dual 1.4ghz G4's. (I have no idea on price, probably similar to the current Quicksilver line.) I got this info from an aquaintance with some inside connections at Apple. They will be released at Seybold in February in front of a more professional audience whom these towers are more aimed at. Waiting any longer than this would be absured, Apple cannot expect anyone in their right mind to purchase a current Quicksilver with the new iMacs out. The tower update in February will reset the balance on the price/power ratio in Apple's product line again.
hey Krevinek dont do that to your head, it WILL cause brain damage if you do it often enough (then you will end up like manicDVL :p)

I am drooling over dual G5s....with OS X.... (possibly greek support ...dammit apple get yo arse on it! ) ---audio/video authoring and coding in one machine....*droooool* -- just what an admiral wants :-)
G5s? Hmm....haven't we talked about that one :D

I think we will have to bear with theG4 for some more months, I expect the G5s when the OS X clock is at 12 o'clock, ready for OS X.2.

Till then, DDR Ram, a higher clock rate, hopefully native SCSI (which won't happen I guess), GigaWire and stuff like that could do the trick and bring the PowerMacs back to where they should be.

Seriously, Apple should switch over to IBM with the PowerMac G4. Motorola was not able to finish the G5 within two years now. That's redicilious.
Originally posted by simX
If Apple is announcing PowerMacs at MWSF, they would've been announced at the keynote. Steve Jobs does not feel any guilt taking up more time, because he often goes half-an-hour over the alotted time.

I assume that new PowerMacs are going to be announced sometime in late January or early February. Remember, the high-end iMac still isn't shipping! They just want to make sure they have enough units to not issue a speed dump.

The high-end iMac is shipping NOW then mid-range iMac will be shipping in Feb then Low-end imac will be shipping in March. Check the Apple Store yourself... :p

PowerMac w/DDR rams and ghz speeds are likely to be announced at MWTokyo

The processor speeds may be close, but look at the 'smaller' differences: The tower still has the faster system bus, which I keep hearing does a lot for overall speed. The towers also have a DP model, and PCI slots, and overall more expansion. Obviously the towers will be updated, but as to how soon, I think at least a month or two. Knowing Apple, though, it'll be worth the wait.
The gap, while it exists, is way too small to buy a tower at about *double* the price of the iMacs. It is very obvious that they're about to be replaced and no one in their right mind would buy a tower now unless their life depended on it (hey, it *could* happen).

I reckon MWTokyo but possibly WWDC. (kommakazi: isn't Seybold in September?)

Just my $0.02.

Originally posted by ulrik

Seriously, Apple should switch over to IBM with the PowerMac G4. Motorola was not able to finish the G5 within two years now. That's redicilious.

As far as I know, a lot of Moto chips are fabed at IBM.

What has anybody read (serious) about a G5 general purpose microprocessor ? They are G5 for specific applications (communication) but is it planned to have a general purpose G5 ? For what market ? Apple only ?
If i'm not mistaken- XP shipped with a digital camera application that you could order prints from...

so- technically- Apple could be accused of copying Microsoft in this respect- although I imagine its more likely that a) they both came up with the concept (which isn't so ludicrous) independently of eachother and Bill just shipped it first.

*shrug* I'd be interested to see how the two applications measure up to eachother- esp. when it comes to the quality and pricing of the built in print ordering... at least Apple's uses ColorSync (orgasm) and so far I've been pretty happy with the output I've gotten.

Yes, I got a chance to play with Movie Maker... damn is that a cheezy knock-off. Even worse is that MS seems to have a 'Titanium' clone for their schemes for Movie Maker/etc called 'Silver'... ironically, it is the only built-in XP theme I can stand. The only one that doesn't clash awfully.