Power4 not Apple's Savior?

This begs the question....

If the Moto G5 has become vaporware, and the G4 has hit it's ceiling, and the IBM Power4 desktop chip has been dismissed by Apple...

Then what is Apple's next move? If this is true, I hate to say it (because I've been against this idea for so long) - but it sounds like Apple is prepping itself for either designing and fabbing it's chip themselves (by way of AMD or Intel for manufacturing), or tapping one of the x86 makers chip designs.
Fret not, there IS something coming up. Don't forget Job's background. And that he has the ability to tap into military technology. The G4 chip was one. LOL.
The PowerPC 7470 (another G4) is around the corner. It is rumoured to bring phantastic speeds and should scale well beyond 2.0 GHz.

Also, that the G5 never appeared doesn't mean it won't come.

Btw. http://mac.fryke.com has a totally new design which should be better navigable. And we're still looking for writers there.