PowerBook 5300cs


Only short question:
Is there a chance to get Mac OS X running on a PowerBook 5300cs (has 540 MB disk and 32 MB RAM at the moment; bought in February 1996) or should I better forget such old hardware?

Pheripherals: "Dayna Communicard E" LAN Adapter and external generic SCSI CD-ROM drive (access with a third party CD ROM toolkit software in MacOS 8.1): Are they supported?

Opinions from Mac owners with equipment released *before* the Gx and iMac series are welcome, too. :)

Greetings :) Dreäl
I don't think you can fit OSX Beta in that small of a harddrive - I think the min is 800MB (although atleast 3 gigs is probably perferable). Also, OSX PB would be really REALLY slow with only 32 MB of ram. It's slow enough with mine only having 64. The requirements may go down in the final version, but for the PB, you'll probably either need to update ur system or get an entirely new computer to load OSX PB.


P.S. Oh, there's a lot of crap on the PB CD. If you can get someone to figure out how to copy over only the pertainenet files aka not the 150MB of movie trailers, you might have a chance... maybe...