Powerbook and jaguar


Hi guys,

I know this might be more like a hardware issue, but for my taste it's more related to the os jaguar.

I am using an ibook G3 600 with 256mb of ram and 8MB Rage gra.
Well, once I went an apple store and checked jaguar on a powermac Dual G4 867 machine.
Breathtaking! I discovered how slow my ibook runs with the macosx 10.1.5!
But still I would love to have something mobile...

So, is there anyone who could tell me, how powerbooks (800) perform with jaguar? Maybe someone who could even compare to powermacs...
And if I would go for a powerbook, is it true that they are soon going to raise the fsb and replace the ati 7500 with a 9000pro (64mb DDR)? Guess this should speed up jaguar a lot, huh?
And one more question: my ibook is quite slow in office X and Virtual PC 5 is incredible slow. Is there any boost on jaguar and powerbooks?


I have a powerbook g4 667 running 10.2.1 with 512 ram and a 30 gig hd. Its nice and fast. It is plenty responsive. I am going to upgrade the ram soon. I've worked on a 800 model at work, and it is speed increases is noticable. Its not going to be anything like a dual model, but its plenty powerful for running several large apps on.
I usually have chimera, explorer, fire.app, mail.app, itune, dreamweaver, fireworks and ms word running all the time. Its runs perfectly. hope this helps.
and by the way, I think you should wait a bit to see if the new ati is in the updated models. Hope this helps.
Before investing in a new laptop, i'd buy a 512mb module for your iBook. I have an iBook 700mhz, and it came with 256mb of ram. 10.2 was okay...not super fast. I then upgraded to 512mb of ram and the thing is nice and smooth. that extra ram is amazing. Os x takes up a ton of ram..and you only really end up with about 100mb or so free after startup with only 256mb of ram. Run a few apps and open a few finder windows and that goes away quickly, causing pageouts and then disk swapping. Get yourself a 512mb module. I have seen them as cheap as $107 on certain sites. :)
tnx for ur reply!!!!

Well, if it's a matter of ram.. uhmmm this is much cheaper than..

Anyway, thanks a lot guys
