Powerbook and network problems


I have a 17 inch powerbook connected to a network with 2 other macs, one running G4 10.2.6 and the other G4 9.2.
Powerbook of course is 10.2.6. The powerbook is connected using airport extreme. Connected to internet via a router.

Using the Powerbook I can connect to the network and surf using the router, no problem, although airport extreme seems to be a bit tempremental.

G4 10.2.6 mac can connect to the G4 OS9.2 mac, but not powerbook.

Powerbook cannot connect to G4 10.2.6 mac but can connect to OS9.2 mac

G4 OS 9 cannot connect to anything.

I am using DHCP on power book and fixed IPs on the other 2 macs.

When I try to contact G4 10.2.6 from powerbook it says 'contacting Timout x seconds" and then comes up with an error -36

Getting really frustrated now. Help Help Help.
What service are you trying to connect to? I could look up that port but I will just let you anser my question because I'm lazy :p .

Just let us know and maybe we can help you :)


What is it?
Originally posted by bootleg
What service are you trying to connect to? I could look up that port but I will just let you anser my question because I'm lazy :p .

Just let us know and maybe we can help you :)


What is it?

OK, I got unlazy and looked it up :) ...

So you cannot connect VIA AFP I see.
I'm just going to cover the basics so don't think I'm poking fun...

First off, In 10.2.6 you do have "Personal File Sharing" enabled.
secondly do you have any of the Firewall options turned off in 10.2.6.

Let's see what we get w/ that.
On G4 mac running 10.2.6, file sharing is on. Firewall is on, personal file sharing and personal web sharing are ticked.

On Powerbook file sharing is on. Firewall is on, personal file sharing and personal web sharing are ticked.

I assume it is AFP as the error comes up with afp:// after timeout.

I can't beleive this, I had Norton personal firewall installed on the powerbook and it was set as a default to deny all access to all services, I have turned it off and it works!!!!!

Thanks for drawing my attention to it. Not quite so stressed as before... and relax.