vegas4ever said:
Do I need to partition my drive? can I do it, and of course buying a new laptop is not a option!!!
In my not so humble opinion the only reason to partition your drive is if you will be spending a substantial portion of your time on the computer actually booted into OS 9. Otherwise you are robbing OS X of precious disk space.
Your hard drive has an advertised nominal capacity of 20 GB. Those are
decimal GigaBytes where 1 GB - 1,000,000,000, but OS X (like all computer operating systems) allocates and uses drive space in
binary GigaBytes where 1 GB = 1,073,741,824. So as far as OS X is concerned your drive has a functional capacity of 18.62 GB. You should never allow the free space on a hard drive to fall below 15% or you rise irreparable damage to the file system. That means the usable capacity of your hard drive is actuall 15.83 GB. (Don't worry, it all works out to the same number of Bytes so you aren't really losing anything.)
A 10 GB drive is adequate for Jaguar or Panther but just adequate and it is definitely marginal for Tiger. OS X is happiest and fastest when there is a lot of headroom (free space) on the boot drive. So you end up being better off not partitioning. That does not mean you cannot boot into OS 9 if you must but you have to do it through System Preferences > Startup Disk or the Startup Disk control panel in OS 9.1 or later. The control panel in OS 9.0 or earlier will not recognize OS X as bootable.
If you just have to partition, OS 9 will install and run in as little as 512 MB if you don't have a lot of classic applications. 1 GB is comfortable for OS 9.