Powerbook G3 wireless


I am in need of a wireless cardbus for my Powerbook G3. Its a Lombard 101 (no firewire) 400mhz. I am running it on system 9.2.2 but will be taking it to 10.3.9 before purchasing a wireless cardbus.

I have been searching around trying to determine the best method to go. I have come across a discussion at Asante about their Al5403-XG card saying it works with my PB. I have also seen the D-Link DWL-G650X but not sure if it will work on my PB.

Can I get some assistance in what I should do with this older PB G3? Should I switch to OSX or leave it on 9? Will one of these cards work when I am traveling and allow me to use it on a wireless base at home?

Any info or links to helpful would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
Hi Rick and welcome to the forum.
Do you rather prefere to use the faster wifi standard that is called 802.11g or is the 11mbit 802.11b enough for you? Here you will find a list of compatible wifi cards for you mac and the drivers. The orangeware drivers only work with your macosx version and not os9. 10.3.9 runs fine on my ibook G3 600mhz. I don't think that your lombard G3 400mhz performs so much worse. In the end it's your decision what is more important: a snappier but older software or slower but newer software. I would recommend to stick with 10.3.9 and the new software. Max up your memory and it should be ok.
Wow, I didn’t realize there was so much that would fit. I plan on going with OSX (upgrading) and would like to be able to connect at the fastest speed I can so will go with the 802.11g. Is there a difference in the PCMCIA and CardBus formats? Do you have a choice of brands that you prefer? Looks like I will be doing a little research on the list first.

Thank you Zammy-Sam you are very helpful.