Powerbook G4 A1104 Mac OS


Hi there, I've recently purchased a 2nd hand Apple Powerbook G4 A1104 and the previous user details and password are still on the system and to reset it has asked to install the Mac OS disc.

The powerbook suffered minor damage to the aluminium casing causing it non-economic to repair, therefore i had successfully tendered for the item.

I don't have the disc - is there any way that the username and password be re-set without this disc?

Thanks for your help!
There are if you search this site. However, you need those disks.

Go to the person you purchased the computer from and demand he provide you the disks that came with the computer.
You could purchase a retail version of OS X that will run on that PowerBook and reset that password that way. However, you wouldn't have any of the included software that usually come with the discs that shipped with that Mac in the event you might need to reformat and reinstall. You'd most likely have to purchase iLife separately as well any other software that might have been included with the restore discs, hence why it's very important to get the discs that shipped with a particular Mac when buying a used one.
Why don't you just ASK the former user for the name and password? If you know them you can also change it; very easy to do.
If this is not possible; find ANY Tiger Installation disc; doesn't have to be for Your modell specific. Start with that disc the Mac and go to the menubar to reset the password.
I don't have the disc - is there any way that the username and password be re-set without this disc?

To regain access to your Powerbook without an installation disc:

1) Turn on the machine and hold down Command (the key with the Apple logo on it) and S at the same time after you hear the chime (startup sound).
2) When you get to the "command prompt", type in the following (pressing enter after each command):

mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now

Then turn the machine on again and you should be able to complete registration and make a new account for yourself. Then you can delete the old account (look around for instructions on how to do so).

Obviously if you can get in contact with the seller to get the original discs you absolutely should, but for now you'll be able to access your machine!

If for some reason this doesn't work, try this tutorial out (though I worn you it's a LOT more complicated):


Good luck!