Powerbook G4 wont boot

ari g

My powerbook G4 wont boot.
When I press the powerbutton I hear the whirring sound it always makes,
and the 'on' light starts flashing.
Then it makes a series of loud beeps and nothing happens.
The screen is black.

What could be wrong?
I just brought it through security on an airport - could the x-rays have damaged it in any way?
I posted this here because it seems to be a hardware problem.
Should it be posted in the software forum instead?
Hook up an external screen to it and if that works you know it's the monitor and if it doesn't you know it's the logic board.
The beeping is likely one of two things: 1) you have bad or unresponsive RAM. If you're comfortable accessing the RAM chips, see if there are two chips there and remove one of them and try booting. If you get the same problem, swap the two chips and test. 2) the hard drive may be failing -- I've heard bad hard drives make crazy beeping sounds when they go out.

You could also boot into open firmware by starting up with the OPTION + COMMAND (apple key) + O + F held down. You should get a white screen with black text. Type each of the following commands in order -- each followed by the return key:

Depending on the make of the PowerBook, the lights and sounds can be diagnostic signals. Describe the beeps/flashes (long, short), and what is the model of the PowerBook?
It is a powerbook g4 aluminum 15inch 1.5ghz 128vram, model number A1095.
I hear three beeps, beep beep beep, roughly as fast as you would read it.
The power light blinks then stays on.
The screen is black.
I tried to boot into firmware but no success.
Ok, this is good news then I assume.
I will only have to replace the ram chip, right?
Or could it still be the logic board?