PowerBook G5s

Because that's what they bought at the time?

I think Apple should design the new Powerbook G5's like some kind of Klingon sword. ;)

And they definitely need to release something soon. If Apple can catch up to Intel in clock rate by midyear, surely they can stuff a G5 into a portable by then if not long after.

There's a very good reason why we use a PC and iBook laptops (currently). The PC is the only reasonable way we can run ASP code in the field without having an internet connection (which we can't guarantee at a given location). As we switch to PHP it won't be an issue any more (or as we get Mac laptops powerful enough to run VPC smoothly for ASP emulation). Plus, my programmer was a PC guy and it's taken a while to get him to drink the koolaid. As soon as a G5 laptop appears, he's committed to switching. One more down, a few billion to go.

BTW--The biggest reason he's switching is thanks to www.oreilly.com and www.meyerweb.com, two top notch programmers who happen to be Mac fans.
It would also give Apple a huge advantage of only having one real competitor at 64 bit mobile computing, eMachines. Personally, myself and everyone I know would never touch an eMachine due to their track record. Maybe they make a fine product now, but I know people would rather say "I have a PowerBook G5" than "I have an eMachine!".

It also gives Apple a chance to really work on making their OS more 64 bit ready, or 64 bit itself. I've run Windows XP 64 on my Athlon64 and was completely unimpressed. None of my motherboard devices worked and the drivers wouldn't run. I've tried installing 2003 Server, which blue screens out everytime. Regular XP is pretty good to run on it, but you know your wasting a nice CPU.

There are many different ways that Apple can wedge itself into the PC world a bit further with this laptop. Those considerations are important too, as we all can only buy so many machines at once! ;)
Quite a few of the 'high-end' clone makers have been doing a 64bit laptop since the introduction of the AMD64 platform, so E-Machines isn't the only one out they...they're just the cheapest by far.

Unless Apple catches up with the market in general (meaning a g5 PB) the outcome in the near future won't be pretty. I was all set to buy a new 15" PB around x-mass, but after using one for a few days realized it was a waste of money and instead found this g3 iBook for a steal ($700 new in box, unopened). If they expect me to pay $3000 for a laptop, they better at least run on par with the competitors who cost a mere $2000 on average. The g4 isn't doing that at all.

On a side note, try loading Mandraker on that server, runs great on the prototype we just built at work and it's not M$.
I don't know about Apple's speed update to G4 PowerBooks but I certainly know mine! From TiBook 1GHz/DVD-R I will go in the next few days to the AluBook 1.25GHz/DVD-R :D While not THAT big step, I think it is an ok one coupled with my Dual G5/2GHz ;)