Powerbook Insomnia


I have a problem that I have not yet been able to figure out. My aluminum powerbook does not want to sleep even though it is set to sleep when it is inactive after 15 mins. The funny part is that it only happens when it's connected to the power adapter. It "sleeps" just fine when is running on batteries :rolleyes: . Anybody has any ideas what the problem could be? Help!!!
Ok, this will sound so stupid, but on Energy Saver, are you changing what the options are for?

Where it says "Settings for:" and it has a drop down box.
Now, of course, when you have the powerbook unplugged, it will automatically show the settings for the battery. If you plug into the mains it will change to the Power Adaptor.

Recently I have noticed this isn't always the case, and I make changes, and it works, but on the wrong settings, lol.

Also, have you closed down as many programs as possible and then tried? It could work.
Convert thanks for you suggestion, I am new to the mac world yet I did tried closing all the open programs and changed the settings for both the battery and the power adapter. But it will only sleep when running on batteries. Is there any background processes running i need to be aware of? It used to just automatically sleep after 15 minutes.

P.S. It works fine when pushing the on/off button and then sleep as well as apple menu then sleep
I am relatively new too, I have the same model as you, just different RAM (and hard disk perhaps?)

I can't really name any processes, but I have had some programs like MSN, that have stopped my powerbook from sleeping. There was no notification, just as yours does, it just stayed on.

Have you tried adjusting the time, for example, making it 5 minutes till it sleeps?
I just tried adjusting the time with no positive result. I have no idea what the problem is! :rolleyes:
Convert, I got my computer to sleep automatically. I changed so many settings that i am not sure what did it. I searched for "preventing powerbook from going to sleep" in sherlock and came up with this page http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=88066. i checked the settings talked about on the article and proceeded to wait for the computer to sleep. It did!!!! thanks for your help anyways. I really appreciae your prompt response
Good it is fixed now. I was about to ask, if you can put your mac to sleep not defined by the inactivity time but by a given time under "Schedule".